What are all clubs doing for training tonight? Surely it is too hot to do serious training!! Are clubs just calling it off or have got something else planned.
Been thinking about it myself Coaty. Not sure what to do tonight, if it wasn't a selection night we could go to the pub or something but it is unfortunately. I've arseholed my last pre-natal class off to go to training.
Anyone got any suggestions for alternative training in this heat? Don't say cards and beer either coz i've already thought of that....
in the good old days you'd turn the sprinklers on, get the covers out, bit of dish washing liquid (well the bottle anyway) and slip and slide on the covers..... the problem was getting people to put them away after.
G Train enjoys puffing his chest out and strutting around in his chookpen like Foghorn Leghorn..
in the good old days you'd turn the sprinklers on, get the covers out, bit of dish washing liquid (well the bottle anyway) and slip and slide on the covers..... the problem was getting people to put them away after.
father we would do that but when the bar was locked last week someone said that you went to the kitchen and drank all the dish washing liquid.
in the good old days you'd turn the sprinklers on, get the covers out, bit of dish washing liquid (well the bottle anyway) and slip and slide on the covers..... the problem was getting people to put them away after.
father we would do that but when the bar was locked last week someone said that you went to the kitchen and drank all the dish washing liquid.
terrible after taste.... but at least my teeth are clean,
G Train enjoys puffing his chest out and strutting around in his chookpen like Foghorn Leghorn..