101 visitors to this site in past 24 hours but only one bothered to contribute. Where have all the Springy South supporters gone? Too lazy to support your own forum? There are a number of names for fair weather types like you!
Goochy Poochy, no need to humour me with a silent message. Get on here and have an open go.
Incidentally, saw you love-child play against some real opposition on Wednesday and wish I had video fottage to share of his little backward step to square-leg against a genuine quick bowling off four paces -- and he wasn't just "giving himself room'' as they say. Brown Gouge must have been thankful for the business.
Six days into 2013 and hardly a murmur on this moribund forum prompts me to ask, que sont devenues les reprobates?
Where have all the reprobates gone, long time passing? Where have all the dingbats gone, long time ago? Where have all the dickcraniums gone? Faecesbook has picked them everyone. Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn?
i am not a member of the SSCC but i have extracted my digit (ironglove) and taken the liberty to vote (No. 184) for the ''dollars'' man for the weetbix award because he epitomises the all too few really hard working people who keep our cricket clubs going. besides, i have enjoyed the rolls, hot chips etc that he and his mrs provide. 40 years at it! hooli gooli!! hope he wins.
While on the topic of $$$s man, here's a little ode to him.
Oh, when the sun beats down And burns the tar up on Harold Road And our cricket shoes get so hot We wish our tired feet were fireproof Under the shade of the new awning Jutting from the clubrooms, yeah On a chair with my pals That's where I'll be
(Down on Harold Road) Out of the sun (Down on Harold Road) We'll be having some fun (Down on Harold Road) Noisy boys takin wickets
(Down on Harold Road) And we'll be scorin lots of runs (Down on Harold Road, Harold Road)
In the nearby park you hear The happy sound of the little trains You can almost taste the hot dogs The Dollars Man sells,
And the French fries too From behind the canteen severy,
Come on Cho Cho, get on here and help liven the joint up. All i can get out of The Great One is two syllables, hardly the stuff he dishes out on the pitch.
A coldie for everyone who can recount on here some of the more colourful stuff TGO has uttered during a game, or ''gamesmanship'' he has indulged in.
What happened to my last post moderator Persuader? Seems you have acted more like Big Brother and taken an axe to a simple invitation to liven up your moribund chat forum rather than acting like a real persuader in helping keep it alive. Change your handle. Absolute power corrupts chum!
My Apologies Persuader. It's just that the system was so painfully slow as to not register my post for a good 10 minutes when Cho Cho was on... and he had departed by the time it registered. I suppose the first coldie is owed to you... when I discover who you are. Apologies again!
Like that JR. the odds of you getting a coldie are very good. But first I have to know who you are to give it to you. what club, for starters, so that when I am down your way I can shout you one.
My monthly appearance and I see nothing has changed. Irongloves what are you trying to do/prove? No-one cares about what you have to say. Things have moved on and there is nothing you can do about it. Actually...don't bother replying. I wont be around to read it.