when i rolled up i seen a car with the bumper sticker "guns dont kill people, i do!!" so i thought it must be funky aldreds, turns out it was mick lewis'
Ease up you lads, Ringo is a good kid. The dummy spit stuff is very funny but take the hand brake off on the drink driving banter. Hardly think moving the car out of the car park onto Harold Rd so it does not get locked as a funny opportunity to get stuck into him.
Please note that due to complaints been made from residents on Harold Rd about cars been parked outside their domiciles, requests such as adding vodka to cordial for afternoon tea and drink brakes will cease. This has being frowned upon from council and a request from them about putting the hand brake off will be implemented. May I suggest that players, including you Ringo, respect the wishes of council and our neighbours to avoid any repeats of past indescetions.