Jake the Mus you at least talk sense. Perhaps relocation is the right approach. But if you are say a St Marys how would you go about relocating? Or does a St Marys look to join forces with a Doveton, F Gate or Hallam even?
Dont take me out on context and say im a St Marys detractor.... im not it was an example. Call it Marantha or who ever.
It's funny you mention doveton gobby, doveton are currently in talks with endeavor hills to merge, the main issue is what league to play in, subbies or DDCA
Lets take Marantha and Methodist as an example, first was the merge, each club had something the other wanted Marantha the juniors and us the seniors plus a turf wicket. Once the merge was completed the club decided to relocate to Narre south , to take advantage of the growth corridor and to get the junior base established which is now being realised not to mention the flash new clubrooms that had being built there , from our point of view it was win /win, having said this we did lose players who had to travel from the Dandy side to Narre but it was offset with players we had picked up With relocations the club needs to know where there are going and why they are doing it , is it for players. better facilities etc will the move sustain them into the future. With mergers they must be something in it for both clubs
theres something in it for both clubs whilst both are at least semi strong but when one is weak and stuggling for cash and players you may as well call it a take over. Smart clubs look at merging when there is a win / win.
The other side is that some clubs dont mind just existing. I know my club will not entertain that and wants to compete in finals on a regular basis. Is this sustainable??? thats the big question. We have won Turf 1 flags in the past 20 years. Anyone who says competing for the top prize is easy is full of ****e. Your club got a win / win so well done to you
Maybe a merge but i doubt relocation would work for us. We are not in any trouble but i always look at things 10 years down the track. Plenty of influential supporters around our club Beaconsfield will have a turf wkt next yr and Pakenham will follow suit. Merger talks will be agenda items for some clubs. Others will put their head in the sand and pretend all will be right