Slocs, what is this stuff I hear about Warren "Pubic" Ayres enticing Brad Hodge to play in the VB T20 comp for you blokes? How is that possibly within the rules?
And don't go playing dumb about it please, I know it to be fact!
How many games do you expect to get out of the old Mentonian dudded by Aussie selectors given that he has other duties with the new big bash starting? Trust its not one of those publicity beat-ups like the one the short fishing boat owner hoodwinked a local rag into publishing about Thommo, Pascoe etc coming to coach Lyndale. I did throw up my Wheeties the day I read that. Hate to waste breakfast again.
News for you pal. VB rules clealy state that a player participating in the comp cannot have played distrct or sub-district or equivalent standard in that particular season.
Does this mean Hodge is going to give up playing for Melbourne and Vic to play for Springy South -- even for the free plastering of his new abode. It must be Dream Time at Harold Road.